Creative Writing Prompts - Earth Day


Creative Writing Prompts - Earth Day

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Here is the fourth list of ideas in my series of Creative Writing prompts.

The purpose of these writing prompts is to encourage both children and adults to be more creative, get outside, be inspired by their natural surroundings and start writing about what they see and experience. 

In turn, I would encourage them to write freely about what they feel, see, hear, and share those writing experiences with others. These writing opportunities should enable you to feel comfortable within your surroundings and share good content about the natural elements of our beautiful world and the things that inspire you.

In this short post, I would like to share some more creative ideas about how you can incorporate the Earth and its unique qualities into your writing style. As you will have read throughout this website, I'm passionate about the world in which I live and clear on how important the world is to our future. There is no doubt that our world is fragile, and from listening or reading the news, its future lies in the balance, as our actions are not shaping it, but they are destroying it. 

Earth Day on the 22nd of April is an important global event that takes place year on year, and this year it is in its 50th year. As an educator, I continually encourage my class of children to become more aware of issues relating to our Earth. Where possible, we complete a variety of tasks that raise awareness of these issues.

Hopefully, some of these current issues resonate with you. By doing so, what you experience and feel can provide the perfect stimulus for you to do something new, exciting and unique.

With that said, I encourage you to look through the list of ideas below. Get outdoors, go into your local environment, look around you and connect these observations to the wider world. 

Then use these natural components as a stimulus to develop your writing ideas and create something unique. It is important to Explore, Learn and Create what you find and then let us celebrate all that is wonderful about Mother Earth.


Earth Day Writing Prompts

  • Finish the sentence at least ten different ways: The Earth needs our help because…

  • Your local mayor wants to hear your ideas on how the city can save water or electricity. Write a letter to the local mayor and council explaining your idea. Include sketches to help support your views.

  • Write a haiku poem about saving the Earth. Remember haikus have three lines with the following syllable pattern for each line 5, 7 and 5.

  • Create an informative poster for Earth day. Include a snappy slogan, images and written descriptions that will encourage more people to protect our Earth.

  • Write a step-by-step guide on how to use less water in your home. Make it practical and informative so that people listen.

  • Complete the following statement. We are lucky the Earth provides us with…

  • Draw a tree and add apples onto the branches. On each of the apples, write your wishes and what you can contribute to saving our world.

  • Write a natural disaster story, using the following as a story starter: If only I watered my plant regularly as my Mum and Dad told me to…

  • Write three acrostic poems using the words Earth, recycle and nature.

  • If you could talk to the trees, what do you think they would say? Imagine if you asked them the question, "How can I save Earth?". What would they reply?

  • Create five Earth Day slogans to promote recycling in your school or the wider community.

  • Create a comic strip about a team of superheroes whose job is to protect planet Earth. What would you call your superhero team? Would they have any special powers? Who would their enemies be? Describe one of their adventures.

  • When I recycle, I feel…

  • How can we use fewer natural resources? What can we use as an alternative?

  • Make a list of everything you can think of to recycle and why you would recycle it.

  • I am thankful for __________ resources, because…

  • How can you teach people about the environment? Produce an informative poster that captures your thoughts.

  • What are some great ideas and strategies for the environment that are already in place?

  • How can technology be good for the environment? List five significant benefits.

  • How is technology bad for the environment? Suggest ways we can stop the overuse of technology in our schools and society.

  • Write a story about a man who hates recycling and then learns the importance of recycling.

  • Write a shape poem on how to take care of Earth in the shape of the planet.

  • You read a newspaper article with the headline, "Recycling – A Waste of Time!". Write a letter to the editor of the article, convincing them that recycling is essential.

  • Draw a picture of a new tree that continually keeps giving to the Earth. Write down ways in which the tree benefits the world around it.

  • What do you appreciate about the Earth? Explain why you appreciate the things you do?

  • Think of three important Earth Day messages to get people to use less water, fuel, or electricity. How can you convince people to make a change?

  • Do you think your family could use less water? What changes could you make?

  • How does helping the environment benefit animals?

  • What are some of the benefits of eating organic foods?

  • Put down your Smartphone for one hour a day, and what could you do in return?

  • Write a poignant newspaper article about our negative impact on the world today.



As a school teacher and outdoor educator, I have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and resources. If you would like to use them, you can find more of those resources available in my School Resources shop. You can also read a selection of other writing prompts here.

If you require further advice or to draw upon my experience, please get in touch and say
