Liebster Award 2017


Liebster Award 2017 


So, I have been lucky enough to be nominated for my first ever blog award!! That's cool and I feel really privileged. Big thanks to Sophie for choosing me as one of your nominees. I'm humbled and really appreciate it.  

What is the Liebster awards? 

The main aim of the Liebster awards is to give recognition to new bloggers with less than 200 followers. To give readers more insight into the blogger behind the blog while also boosting the authors’ traffic. Overall, it’s a pretty good concept, with just a few rules to follow which can be found here, you also get to nominate 5-11 bloggers for the award. 

Let me tell you a little about Sophie, who was nice enough to nominate me in the first place. Sophie writes on her blog called NXTURES. Her lifestyle blog is a safe space for her to continually promote positive vibes and self –care tips. Be sure to check it out and find out what she has been up to.  

About me... here’s 10 random facts! 

  1. I grew up in the hills of England, but now live below sea level in the Netherlands. 

  2. I'm a teacher. I lead and inspire young minds every day. 

  3. My work has lead me to live in the United States and work with a partner school in India. Which was completely inspiring.  

  4. I cycle to work every day... a 52km round trip. I love it! and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

  5. I love all sports and have played just about them all. I find it hard to keep still and enjoy being active, it definitely suits my personality. 

  6. I love the English Premiership Football Team Stoke City and have been an avid supporter since I was 6 years old. Travelling home and away. Shedding tears and losing my voice. 

  7. My favourite food is Sushi and vegetables, but not on the same plate. 

  8. I simply love the outdoors and to travel. One thing is for sure, I'm happiest when I'm outdoors. 

  9. I prefer to lead, rather than follow. I'm certainly not a sheep! 

  10. Before leaving this earth, I would love to leave my mark, by doing something meaningful, giving something back, rather than just take, take take... 

11 Questions my nominator asked me! 

Describe yourself in three words? 

Normal, Funny and Humble. 

If you had the chance to meet & talk to a famous person, past or present, who would it be and why? 

I would love to talk to many people, but I feel many wouldn't give me the time of day or perhaps they wouldn't live up to my expectations. I prefer people who are down to earth and are humble about the things they have achieved. Cyclist / Adventurer Mark Beaumont (the man who cycled the world) is one such man. I would love to share a beer with him and chew the cud. I'd probably start by asking him, what was it like to cycle the world? and what drove him to achieve the things he has achieved? 

What is your favourite movie/TV show and why? 

I don't particularly have a favourite. In fact, I don't watch a lot of TV. If I was to choose something it probably would be something funny. Being me, means you can't take life too seriously.  

Who is your favourite musical artist?

Well, I absolutely love music and have a wide variety of tastes. Again, I don't really have a favourite, song, artist or music type. Anything that makes me smile, feel good and move, is generally in my playlists. Life without music is pretty pointless though. 

Are you a cat or dog person? 

Well, we have a cat, but I'd prefer a dog. Unfortunately, I can't take the cat running with me, which is such a shame. I would love to have a Springer Spaniel if I'm totally honest! 

Do you prefer cold or hot weather and why? 

It might sound strange, but I love the extremes and I would have to say I prefer the cold. I like nothing more than being in the outdoors when the weather is rubbish. I was born and raised to battle against the elements. I love it! 

What is your guilty pleasure? 

Definitely, Wine Gums. I know they are not good for me, but... all things in moderation. 

If you were stranded on a desserted island and could only have three items of your choice, what would they be? 

A packet of Wine Gums, of course. A photo of the ones I love and fishing rod. I can't fish, but I guess it might come in handy from time to time. 

When you have writer’s block what do you do? 

I always have thought and ideas. If I do suffer from 'writer's block' I generally, go out for a running, cycle and listen to music. It usually helps invigorate my thoughts. 

Why did you start blogging? 

It is a very good question. Well, I really enjoy writing and being creative through words and pictures. I'm also generally fairly quiet and prefer to keep myself to myself. Although, I do feel by using my skills and ideas, I have the unique opportunity to share something decent, with the world.  I also personally get rather fed up of listening to others, continually 'shouting out', how 'wonderful they are'. When actually what they are actually shouting about is rather pointless, copied or even contrived.  I set out on this personal journey to create content that is meaningful, worthwhile and interesting, without making myself look foolish and simply pretending to be something I'm not.  To me, these morals/values are really important, when building something. I feel we live in a world of continued self-promotion and if you were to cut through much of the rubbish, you begin to find there are a lot of good bloggers out there, who don't get the credit they deserve. Of course, I would love to be perceived as one of those. 

What made you choose your blog name? 

I simply want to capture the world as I see it and document my life adventures, as seen through my eyes. As a result of this, my name Gareth Mate seemed to be the most suitable title for my blog and using the tagline or hashtag #placestowanderandexplore pretty much summarises all that I'm trying to do.

My Favourite Blog 

My favourite blog is really hard to distinguish, as there are so many good ones out there. I love the outdoors and travel, so naturally, my preference lies with this type of blog.  

I have always liked Potty Adventures and have always thought it to be a great concept and equally interesting to read. David and family do a really great job, in capturing the world from their point of view. 

Good luck to them, as it is a really super site. 

 My Blog Nominations 

Elinor – To Outdoors and Beyond 

Martin & Gerieke – Travelling Twentes 

Rob Haggan – Chapters and Adventures 

Ashely Beolens – Views from and Urban Lake 

My Dad - Brian's Weekly Rubbish 

  11 Questions for my nominees 

  1. Describe yourself in one sentence? 

  2. If you had the chance to meet & talk to a famous person, past or present, who would it be and why? 

  3. What is your favourite holiday destination and why? 

  4. What is your favourite music? 

  5. When are you at your most happiest? 

  6. Ever done a 'random act of kindness' if so, what was it? 

  7. What is your guilty pleasure? 

  8. Why did you start blogging? 

  9. If you could make one change to your life, what would it be? 

  10. Explain more about your Blogs name? 

  11. What does the future hold for your blog? What would you like out of it? 


I would like to extend a big thank you to Sophie for nominating me. I really appreciate it and be sure to visit her site. I am now also looking forward to the responses to my questions, on the blogs I have recently nominated. 

Take care and enjoy life!

