Posts tagged Blogging
I will walk 1000 miles

In 2018 I will be walking my way to achieving 1000 miles.

I will be participating in the challenge set by Country Walking Magazine 

It is just 2.74 miles a day. So get involved and make a difference.

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Life in the Bike Lane - A day in my life

Life in the Bike Lane

Since moving to the Netherlands around three years ago the majority of my days are spent outside, cycling in the bike lane. To most people out there, this might sound rather mad or perhaps even peculiar, but it is all in fact entirely true. After 'Brexiting' the Motherland and I guess becoming part of Dutch culture I decided to make some changes in my life. Changes that were perhaps easy to consider, but in reality, much harder to actually implement.

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50 things to do with a stick.

In a bid to develop the power of Creative Thinking, within my class. We came up with 50 things to do with a stick. Collectively, we hope these practical ideas serve as inspiration and enable you to get outside, enjoy the outdoors and explore, learn, create.

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