Gareth Mate

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Coronavirus: Great Ways To Exercise While Staying At Home

Coronavirus has hit us hard and it continues to cause huge problems across the entire globe. As a result, life is now very different and it is now even more important than ever, to follow the advice from the experts and to keep ourselves safe.

Keeping safe is paramount and social distancing or lockdowns are now a daily reality and could be here for many months to come. Following a regular exercise routine is also very important if we are to remain healthy in both body and mind. 

Many people around the world are still utilising the outdoors as a means of retreat and using fresh air and relative freedom to distance themselves from others while exercising at the same time.

Others are not so lucky and for whatever reason are confined to being at home and of course, self-isolating themselves from the world outside. Maintaining a healthy body and mind can still be achieved and it is essential if anyone is staying indoors to follow a routine that will help to bring balance to your day.

Fresh air

Of course, fresh air is a necessity, but it is taken at the risk of being close to others. So sitting in the garden and reading a book, or dabbling in a spot of gardening will give you the fresh air you need, but without meaning, you have to leave the confines of your home. 

Going for a run or long walk is equally as beneficial, but be sure to stay away from others and keep those walking and running routes as remote as possible.

Running through fields or woodland trails are all good possibilities.

People at greater risk

If you are over 70 and self-isolating, pregnant or have an underlying health condition, but feel well, you can still go outside with the same intentions to exercise, but it is even more important to distance yourself from others.

For older people, maintaining good health is essential, with strength and balance exercises being particularly important, and carried out several times a week, if not every day. 

Generally, muscle strength begins to decline with age, so key exercises like yoga, tai chi, resistance training, together with seated exercises are necessary.

Try to achieve this on a regular basis, by devising a plan that works for you. The more you complete the exercise, the healthier and fitter you will become.

Being inside

Staying inside is never easy and the longer we are stuck inside, the harder it becomes. It is, therefore, imperative to use movement and activity as a way of breaking up your routine if you feel well enough. 

Find time to enjoy cooking, play active games, dance a little, or simply keep moving from room to room.

If you are unwell, it is vital to conserve your energy and use your energy wisely; therefore, it is crucial to get better and don't try to be active. If you can get out of bed, then do so but don't try to do too much.

So what exercises can you do indoors?

Chair tricep dips - Sit on the edge of a chair holding onto the front with your hands. Place your feet out in front of you (bent legs for an easier option or straight legs to make it harder) and lower your elbows to a 90-degree angle before pushing back up.

High Knees are a cardio-intensive exercise performed at a fast pace. It engages your core, strengthens all the muscles in your legs, gets your heart rate up and improves momentum, coordination and flexibility. 

Tabletop press-ups - Incline press-ups can be done anywhere around the home - on a table, a bed, a chair or even a wall. To use a table, place your hands on the table with your legs stretched out behind you, body nice and straight. Lower your weight down keeping your elbows tight to your body, and press back up.

Squat exercises - mainly target the thighs (quadriceps & hamstrings) and the glutes. However, core strength & stability, ankle mobility, back muscles, calves, and other factors play an important role when you are doing this exercise.

Living room wall sits - find a wall with a big enough space for you to lean on. Sit against the wall like you would in a chair with your legs at 90 degrees, and hold. Give it time and you'll soon feel the burn!

Running or jogging - In place is an effective cardiovascular exercise that helps to warm up the body, burns calories and increases aerobic fitness. The convenience of running is quite obvious, you can run or jog almost anywhere, even running on the spot.

Russian twists - Sit on the floor holding a weight or something similar. Carefully lean back with a straight back and engage your core. Rotate your torso and try to touch the floor each side with the milk bottle. Make it harder by lifting your feet off the floor.

Yoga - Is hugely beneficial and it easy to do at home. It calms your mind and can help regulate your body, leading to good optimal health. There are many great Yoga programmes out there in books or on the internet. One of my favourites is 

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And a great article called ‘The Changing in Health and Fitness Industry’ can be read by clicking on the link.