Short Writing - A Natural Space

A Natural Space

Is a place I come to when I want to stop and think. My favourite natural space is a place I often visit alone and feel happiest.

This natural place brings me closer to nature and allows me to reconnect to the beauty that can be found all around.

It doesn't matter what this natural space looks like. It can be anything you want. It can found the top of a mountain. Be located close to calm waters of a lake or slow meandering river or the dark expanse of the lush green forest and be surrounded by mystical trees. You could be even alone on the isolated beachfront where you gaze endlessly into what seems like the abyss. Focus your eyes attentively on the horizon, study where the sky meets the sea and what might lie beyond.

Nature means everything to me, in its own majestic way! It encompasses my personality and naturally seems to form part of me, guiding me, moulding me into the person I would rather be.

With its beauty and presence so continually evident in my life, natural spaces help shape me and motivate me to believe with the desire to experience more and more.

Ever since I was small and could walk my first steps, I longed to be outdoors. Wild and free with a wonderful sense of freedom. Whatever the weather seemed to throw at me, never did it deter. The chance to be me, feel liberated and explore was too much to resist.

Actively immersing myself in my surroundings, going for a walk or a ride on my bike as I'd regularly do, always travelling forward and not looking back. Roads I had been down many times before and continually finding new routes always seemed too magnificent to miss.

For hours I would spend time sitting on a log or lying in the grass, watch the clouds roll by and contemplating purposeful thoughts. Always in my favourite natural space.

Those moments would lead me to carefully replay the day's events in my head or think carefully of the inevitable challenges that inescapably lay ahead.

The great outdoors and the chance to be in my favourite natural space continually offers clarity and always allows my mind to refocus on what matters and to eliminate the rest.

As I grow older and some might say 'wiser', I began to realise that others long to find there own natural space too. Just like me, they follow similar pathways to find their happy place!

Some people are fortunate enough to live close to their natural space with no need to travel far, but when they get there, they feel the same emotions as me.

No matter where it is or what it might look like your natural space will become something individual and unique to you and, like you, others will follow and begin to fall for it too.

Our favourite natural space is there for us all to savour, preserve and relive over and over again. All we need to do is get outside and find it!

Gareth Mate 2020


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