Gareth Mate

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Why do I run?

Over the years I have continued to run and run, with many people, including myself, asking the question why do you run?

You see, I am not really built to run, my build is more suited to other sports, that involve more physical exhaustion like rugby and football.

Then again, I am not someone who generally follows the norm. I like to follow my own path and in turn, do the things I love them, with no barriers or stigma to stop me

So to answer the question, why do I run? Here is the answer.

I have run since as long as I can remember.

I guess my running adventures started when I was a toddler, and the enjoyment, great sense of freedom continually remains. I run because I can, and when I do, there is always a chance of me doing something unique and amazing.

Running provides me with a chance to venture into the unknown, by undertaking a new challenge of adding greater distance, a new location not yet discovered or a formidable event that eventually awaits. I have the unique chance to push my body to its limits, suffer a little and then enjoy the euphoria, as I fight through the pain. A chance to develop and maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle, the opportunity for me to breathe and feel free.

I know I will never be the best, but I am the kind of person who will continue to push myself and try to achieve as much as I can, in this appealing and addictive sport.

Continually, being interested in maintaining a positive and healthy approach to life and the chance to do something, just because I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to do it.

Running is a sport that inspires not only me but also many others. It is a sport that allows athletes to look and feel invincible, with their actions appearing to be effortless, especially when they have the chance to go out and race.

Running creates champions; it changes lives, creates unique stories and provides the chance to broaden and stimulate the brain, allowing you to focus on what might seem like the impossible. Running makes you feel incredible, healthy and will enable you to challenge yourself in body and mind.

My running is about personal development, together with achieving individual goals. An opportunity to train and then attempt to succeed at an event, that once seemed entirely out of reach.

The chance to work hard, push through the pain, making every step seem worth it and provide a workout that you remember and continually seek opportunities to improve over and over again.

Running is about having some me time. A time when you can let your mind wander, collect and revisit thoughts and be at one, in your unique world — a chance to feel free and emotionally recharged. An excuse to increase positive feelings, clear your mind and focus, on breaking down the barriers you never even knew existed or maybe even once stood in your way.

A chance to experience pain, and find the determination inside, to overcome the challenges and ultimately succeed. It is a unique and fantastic feeling to keep moving forward, when both your body and mind are repeatedly telling you to stop.

It can become the perfect social affair where you can make friends run with others, chat and challenge yourself to achieve. Alternatively, run solo, build character, and, in turn, increase your achievements to gives a great sense of pride that elevates you to achieve even more.

It’s about that undeniable mix of pleasure and pain that somehow makes you go back time and time again for more.

That’s why I run.


Over the last few months, I have been continuing my running adventures and I am delighted to say that I am now part of a group of like-minded individuals who strive to bring Parkrun to the Netherlands. Parkrun is a wonderful initiative and since starting in England, back in 2004, it has been a global success, with many free 5km runs taking place all around the world.

Currently, we are running/testing the course every Saturday morning and it will be fully functioning in early 2020. For more information please take a look on the main Parkrun site.